
Revitalizing Usenet at LibrePlanet 2022

Usenet, a 42-year-old online discussion system, was the subject of a talk presented at the LibrePlanet 2022 conference. OFAI's Tristan Miller traced the social and …

Brigitte Krenn speaks at DIGHUM-2022

Brigitte Krenn will give a talk entitled "NLP for Social Media Content Analysis – Spotlight on Sexisim Classification" at the 4th Workshop on Digital Humanism (DIGHUM-2022 …

Dagstuhl Seminar abstracts published

Abstracts from the working groups at Dagstuhl Seminar 21362, "Structure and Learning", have now been published in Volume 11, Issue 8 of Dagstuhl Reports.

Many …

PunCAT at Audiovisual Translation Week

PunCAT, an OFAI-developed tool for the translation of wordplay, was presented at the 13th Audiovisual Translation Week (XIII Setmana de la Traducció Audiovisual) in Castellón …

Brigitte Krenn speaks at Digital Future Talk

Brigitte Krenn was guest speaker at the DIGITAL FUTURE TALK: Artificial intelligence (AI).

This was the third meeting in the Digital Future Talks cycle devoted …

Generating poetry by example

Can computers learn to write poetry in particular styles? This is the research question addressed in "End-to-end Style-conditioned Poetry Generation", a paper published today in …

steirischer herbst Ausstellung "nothing more human than humanoid"

steirischer herbst 2021: Ausstellungseröffnung nothing more human than humanoid

Brigitte Krenn hält den Eröffnungsvortrag "Roboter als soziale Wesen -- Konstrukt und Wirklichkeit" am 25.9.2021 …

Johanneum Research Robotics visit

Brigitte Krenn and Stephanie Gross attended the consortial meeting of the CoBot Studio project at Joanneum Research Robotics in Klagenfurt, Carinthia on 16 September 2021 …

CoBot Studio @ Ars Electronica

Brigitte Krenn will co-present the CoBot Studio project as part of the Ars Electronica Festival for AI and Robots in Linz on Friday, 10 September …

Public panel on gender-fair MT

OFAI's Tristan Miller will serve as a panelist in a public discussion on non-binary and gender-fair language technology. The discussion, which will be moderated by …