
Abkhaz State University visit

OFAI's Tristan Miller has made a research visit to Abkhaz State University in Sukhumi. He delivered an invited talk ("Человеко-компьютерное взаимодействие при переводе игры слов …

Was ist Intelligenz?

Der Kybernetiker, Pionier für künstliche Intelligenz und OFAI-Begründer Robert Trappl spricht mit dem Ö1 Abendjournal.

MEi:CogSci 2021 plenary talk

Stephanie Gross gave an invited plenary talk on multimodal human–robot interaction in situated task descriptions at the 2021 Conference of the Middle European Interdisciplinary …

Projektpräsentation: Dust and Data

Dust and Data ist ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt, dass sich kritisch mit der Rolle von AI in Museen beschäftigt und am OFAI initiiert wurde. Die abschließende …

Programming for Peace

Tonight's instalment of the ÖFG Peaceful Change Lecture Series features OFAI director Robert Trappl. His online lecture is entitled "Programming for Peace: Computer-aided Methods for …

Hallo, spricht hier ein Bot?

OFAI's Stephanie Gross is interviewed on tonight's episode of matrix, ORF Radio Ö1's weekly show on new technologies. The episode, entitled "Hallo, spricht hier ein …

Embodied and Extended Sensing

In the Panel "Embodied and Extended Sensing" of the Peek Project "Co-Corporeality" at the University of Applied Arts Robert Trappl acted as one of the …

Humour and AI webinar

The International Society for Humor Studies is holding a free webinar on Humor and Artificial Intelligence on 21 May 2021 from 19:00 to 21 …

Mots/Machines invited talk

Can computers translate jokes, or at least help humans to do so? OFAI's Tristan Miller discusses this question in his invited talk at the Mots …