Automatisiert KI jetzt auch die Jobs von Comedians weg?
Zusammen mit OFAIs Computerlinguisten Tristan Miller geht das Online-Magazin 1E9 der Frage auf den Grund, ob eine Künstliche Intelligenz genauso gut wie „echte“ Stand-Up-Comedians sein …
Hallo, spricht hier ein Bot?
OFAI's Stephanie Gross is interviewed on tonight's episode of matrix, ORF Radio Ö1's weekly show on new technologies. The episode, entitled "Hallo, spricht hier ein …
Embodied and Extended Sensing
In the Panel "Embodied and Extended Sensing" of the Peek Project "Co-Corporeality" at the University of Applied Arts Robert Trappl acted as one of the …
Humour and AI webinar
The International Society for Humor Studies is holding a free webinar on Humor and Artificial Intelligence on 21 May 2021 from 19:00 to 21 …
Mots/Machines invited talk
Can computers translate jokes, or at least help humans to do so? OFAI's Tristan Miller discusses this question in his invited talk at the Mots …
University of Huddersfield invited talk
On 27 January, OFAI's Tristan Miller will be giving an invited research seminar at the University of Huddersfield's Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages. His …
Artificial Intelligence: Past, Presence, Potential Impacts
At the International Conference "Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement", organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Robert Trappl gave one of the two Keynotes, with …
Was müssen soziale Maschinen können?
At the "Digital Days" of the Municipality of Vienna Robert Trappl held an invited lecture on the topic "Was müssen soziale Maschinen können?"
GPP: The Generic Preprocessor
Thought macro processors were dead? Think again. An article on the generic preprocessor GPP, co-authored by OFAI's Tristan Miller and Harvard's Denis Auroux, has just …
Tristan Miller delivers NLP4RE keynote
Tomorrow OFAI's Tristan Miller will be giving the keynote presentation at NLP4RE'20, the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering. His talk will …