
OFAI's Jan Schlüter comments on how Google DeepMind's AlphaZero is able to play world class chess to an Austrian news portal.

OFAI's Arthur Flexer has been granted two new national projects (FWF): “On Valid and Reliable Experiments in Music Information Retrieval” and “Dust and Data. The …

OFAI's project on acoustic monitoring of biodiversity - aMOBY - has been covered in the WIENWISSEN 1/18 magazine.

OFAI's Arthur Flexer is giving a talk on "Objectifying the subjective and learning of prejudice by machines" at the Workshop "Im Netz der Sinne" in …

EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)

         E U-D A T E N S C H U T Z-G R U N D V E R O R D N U N …

OFAI's Brigitte Krenn presents a multimodal data set for grounded language learning -- The Action Verb Corpus -- at LREC, Miyazaki, Japan.

OFAI's project on acoustic monitoring of biodiversity - aMOBY - has been covered in the HEUREKA 2/18 magazine of the weekly newspaper "Der Falter".

Friedrich Neubarth represents OFAI at Lange Nacht der Forschung, Station: Roboter zähmen leicht gemacht.