OFAI's Brigitte Krenn gives an invited talk on "E-Recruiting -- How to find the right personnel" at Vienna HR-Brunch, Vienna, Austria.
Start of the EU-ERC Advanced Grant Project Con Espressione carried out by Gerhard Widmer, contributors are Martin Gasser and Thassilo Gadermaier.
Start of the EU CHISTERA Project ATLANTIS with OFAI's Brigitte Krenn as project leader.
Start of the FFG-Project updatemi: Summarization for news texts with OFAI's Brigitte Krenn as project leader.
OFAI's Robert Trappl gives a Keynote Speech at the symposium "CREATION AT THE NEXUS OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ART" jointly organised by La Biennale di …
The paper REAL-TIME MUSIC TRACKING USING MULTIPLE PERFORMANCES AS A REFERENCE by Andreas Arzt, Gerhard Widmer, received the Best Paper Award at the ISMIR 2015 …
OFAI's Brigitte Krenn leads the discussion panel on 'Critical Engineering or critical thinking?' at the net:25 | net:future conference , University of Vienna, Austria.
Gerhard Widmer receives an ERC Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC):€ 2.3 million for the project Con Espressione