
scikit-hubness in JOSS

New journal paper published co-authored by OFAI's Arthur Flexer: Feldbauer R., Rattei T., Flexer A.: scikit-hubness: Hubness Reduction and Approximate Neighbor Search, Journal of Open …

Arthur Flexer speaks at Sound:Frame

OFAI's Arthur Flexer discusses "Sound Art and Curating – Machine Learning and Limits of Control" with Thomas Grill (ELAK, MDW Vienna) in the context of the …

Tristan Miller speaks at the 2nd Comedy and AI Conference

OFAI's Tristan Miller delivered an invited lecture at the the Second Comedy and Artificial Intelligence conference at St. Peter's College, Oxford, UK.

OFAI's Arthur Flexer is starting a new two year arts-based research project (FWF PEEK): “Dust and Data. The Art of Curating in the Age of …

OFAI's Tristan Miller serves as co-convener of the Panel on Humor and Artificial Intelligence at ISHS 2019, the 31st International Society for Humor Studies Conference …

OFAI's Stephanie Gross and Arthur Flexer are giving public science lectures on “Wenn Roboter von Menschen lernen” and “Wie Computer Musik empfehlen” as part of …

OFAI's Paolo Petta co-organizes with Federico Bergenti and Stefania Monica of the University of Parma the Third Edition of the Symposium on Social Interactions in …