
University of Huddersfield invited talk

On 27 January, OFAI's Tristan Miller will be giving an invited research seminar at the University of Huddersfield's Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages. His …

Artificial Intelligence: Past, Presence, Potential Impacts

At the International Conference "Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement", organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Robert Trappl gave one of the two Keynotes, with …

Was müssen soziale Maschinen können?

At the "Digital Days" of the Municipality of Vienna Robert Trappl held an invited lecture on the topic "Was müssen soziale Maschinen können?"

GPP: The Generic Preprocessor

Thought macro processors were dead? Think again. An article on the generic preprocessor GPP, co-authored by OFAI's Tristan Miller and Harvard's Denis Auroux, has just …

scikit-hubness in JOSS

New journal paper published co-authored by OFAI's Arthur Flexer: Feldbauer R., Rattei T., Flexer A.: scikit-hubness: Hubness Reduction and Approximate Neighbor Search, Journal of Open …

Arthur Flexer speaks at Sound:Frame

OFAI's Arthur Flexer discusses "Sound Art and Curating – Machine Learning and Limits of Control" with Thomas Grill (ELAK, MDW Vienna) in the context of the …

Tristan Miller speaks at the 2nd Comedy and AI Conference

OFAI's Tristan Miller delivered an invited lecture at the the Second Comedy and Artificial Intelligence conference at St. Peter's College, Oxford, UK.