CoBot Studio
Crossing Realities for Mutual Understanding in Human–Robot Teams

The project researches human-robot interaction from a collaborative point of view where the mutual ability of human and robot to understand each other’s signals is core to the successful completion of joint tasks, and also plays a major role for human acceptance of and trust in the robot as a workmate. We study close collaborations of humans with cobots employing both Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios and real world encounters with the collaborative robot CHIMERA (Joanneum Robotics) combining a UR10 robot arm and a MiR-100 mobile platform. The advantage of working with both a real robot and its digital twin lies in the broader range of possible investigations into human-robot collaboration scenarios as VR allows for very close physical proximity between human and robot, and for robot action speeds that would today still be impossible near humans due to safety and security regulations. However, will be realistic scenarios in the near and medium-term future due to constant improvements in safety-critical sensor technology.



Screenshot from the Virtual Reality (VR) Enviornment: Perspectives on a human-robot pick-and-place collaboration scene

Screenshot from the Virtual Reality (VR) Enviornment: Perspectives on a human-robot pick-and-place collaboration scene. The red circle marks the eye gaze of the human co-worker. In addition, the head of the human is represented as yellow dot. Also visualized is the controller (black gadget) the person holds in their hand.

Human-CoBot Interaction at the Ars Electronica Festival 2020 in Linz

The CoBot Studio project presents the 'Proximity Game' at the Ars Electronica Festival 2020 in Linz. Festival visitors are encouraged to interact with the industiral cobot CHIMERA.

"Robot, pay attention to me!" Testing human-robot interaction in a playful VR scenario. The human signals the cobot to direct its attention to herself.

Research staff



Key facts