
Robert Trappl's Graduation to "Master of Business Administration (MBA)" after the successful completion of a four semester master study program.

Start of the FWF Project Performing Together: Synchronisation and Communication in Music Ensembles with Werner Goebl as project leader and Laura Bishop and Gerald Golka …

The paper A MIREX Meta-analysis of Hubness in Audio Music Similarity by Flexer, Schnitzer, Schlüter received the Best Paper Award at the ISMIR 2012 Conference …

Thomas Grill defends his dissertation (with distinction) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Start of the Project "Self-Awareness und User-Awareness durch TOM und Empathie" with Robert Trappl as project leader.

Paolo Petta contributes to the Human-Computer Confluence Research Challenges (HC2 VISIONS) research agenda solicitation action workshop.