
Brigitte Krenn is invited to contribute to the Workshop "Wearing a Sound Perfume" exploring the relationships between fashion and new technologies at MAK Fashion Lab …

Start of the FWF Project "Spatial Memory and Navigation Ability in a Physically Embodied Cognitive Architecture" with Robert Trappl as project leader, Thomas Madl as …

Feasibility Studie: Use of Language Technology for Targeting Innovation

Start of the FFG Project "Feasibility Studie: Use of Language Technology for Targeting Innovation" with Brigitte Krenn as project leader.

The book "Your Virtual Butler. The Making-of", edited by Robert Trappl, is published by Springer Publishers Heidelberg and Berlin, with contributions by several international researchers …

The Development of Behavior- and Action-Maxims for Robots in Social Environments

Start of the Project "The Development of Behavior- and Action-Maxims for Robots in Social Environments", supported by the BMVIT, with Robert Trappl as project leader …

Start of the Project "The Development of Behavior- and Action-Maxims for Robots in Social Environments", supported by the BMVIT, with Robert Trappl as project leader …

Start of the EU-Project Performances as Highly Enriched and Interactive Concert Experiences (PHENICX) lead by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, OFAI's contribution as partner carried …

Human Brain Project accepted

The ten year "Human Brain Project" Flagship Proposal is accepted by the European Commission, with Robert Trappl and OFAI as Consortium member.