
Paolo Petta contributes to the Human-Computer Confluence Research Challenges (HC2 VISIONS) research agenda solicitation action workshop. publishes the scientific report article, Emotional persistence in online chatting communities, co-authored by Marcin Skowron in the context of the CYBEREMOTIONS EU FET …

Paolo Petta presents the results of the FP7 EU Project "Learning for Security (L4S)" at the 2nd KIRAS Symposium ("2. KIRAS Fachtagung") of the Austrian …

Robert Trappl is elected President of the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS). The elected Vice-Presidents are Ranulph Glaville (England), Jifa Gu (China …

Start of the ZIT "From Science to Products" project quiew - Entwicklung eines multidomainfähigen Online-Bewertungs- und Feedbacksystems with Brigitte Krenn and Johannes Matiasek as scientific collaborators …