Wolperdinger article
ORF Online article on the "Wolperdinger" large scale music recommendation prototype developed by Dominik Schnitzer. A radio interview on "Wolperdinger" was aired on ORF OE1 …
Paolo Petta contributes to the Human-Computer Confluence Research Challenges (HC2 VISIONS) research agenda solicitation action workshop. publishes the scientific report article, Emotional persistence in online chatting communities, co-authored by Marcin Skowron in the context of the CYBEREMOTIONS EU FET …
Paolo Petta presents the results of the FP7 EU Project "Learning for Security (L4S)" at the 2nd KIRAS Symposium ("2. KIRAS Fachtagung") of the Austrian …
Robert Trappl is elected President of the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS). The elected Vice-Presidents are Ranulph Glaville (England), Jifa Gu (China …
Paolo Petta co-organises the Fourth International Symposium on Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (ABModSim-4), held at the 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR …
OFAI, together with TU Vienna, co-organizes the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys2012).
Start of the FWF-Project "Preventing Hubness in Music Information Retrieval (Hubology)" with Arthur Flexer as project leader.
Dominik Schnitzer receives his PhD (with distinction) from the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Start of the ZIT "From Science to Products" project quiew - Entwicklung eines multidomainfähigen Online-Bewertungs- und Feedbacksystems with Brigitte Krenn and Johannes Matiasek as scientific collaborators …