
Start of the FWF-Project "CHARMinG: Character Mining and Generation" with Robert Trappl as project leader, principle investigators Sabine Payr and Marcin Skowron.

Start of the FFG-Project potenziAAL - Potential and Limits of Present-Day Robotics in Ambient Assisted Living, supported by the BMVIT, with project leader and principle investigator …

Start of the project Cognitive-Emotive Robotics for Supporting Autobiographic Storytelling with Robert Trappl as project leader, principle investigator Sabine Payr and senior researcher Marcin Skowron …

Robert Trappl gives the Keynote Speech at the Official Foundation of the Austrian Robotics Platform at the University of Linz, Austria.

Robert Trappl is re-elected President of the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS) for a four year period. The elected Vice-Presidents are Ranulph …

CP&OFAI Score-Performance Alignment Technology integrated into Issue # 5 (on Beethoven's 3rd Symphony) of the e-magazine RCO Editions (iPad-based e-magazine by the world-famous Royal Concertgebouw …

Start of the FFG Project "ACCIA -- Automated Coding and Categorizing of Innovation Areas", in cooperation with winnovation consulting gmbh, Gertraud Leimüller, with Brigitte Krenn as …

Start of the EU-Project "Learning to Create" (Lrn2Cre8) lead by Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, GB, OFAI's contribution as partner carried out …