

Mag. Dr. Brigitte Krenn, OFAI

Robots as Social Agents: Between Construct and Reality

As soon as humans encounter other agents, we cannot help but act socially and interpret our vis-à-vis as a social agent too. This OFAI 2022 …


Pamela Breda, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Feeling for Nonexistent Beings

Pamela Breda, artist and researcher at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, will speak about "The Unexpected", an artistic research project exploring the impact of …


Scott Patterson, M.A.I.S., McGill University, Canada

Domesticating Wealth Inequality: Hybrid Discourse Analysis of UN General Assembly Speeches, 1971–2018

The rise of wealth inequality is well-documented, yet robust calls for redistribution have yet to emerge from within the UN system. How can this be …

Lecture series

OFAI 2022 Lecture Series

OFAI is delighted to announce its 2022 Lecture Series, featuring an eclectic lineup of internal and external speakers.

The talks are intended to familiarize attendees …


Prof. Liana Ermakova, University of Western Brittany, France

JOKER: Towards Automation of Wordplay Translation

Laughter is a non-verbal social signal which is omnipresent in our everyday interactions. Nevertheless, current spoken dialogue systems are not equipped to understand and express …


Dipl. Vladislav Maraev, M.A., University of Gothenburg, Sweden

What does laughter mean for a dialogue system?

Vladislav Maraev of the University of Gothenburg will present a research talk at OFAI entitled, "What does laughter mean for a dialogue system?" Members of …


Mag. Susanne Hoefler und Dr. Friedrich Neubarth, OFAI, Wien

LEGO-Bauanleitungen für Blinde und Sehbehinderte – eine spezielle Herausforderung für die Sprachtechnologie

LEGO stellt auf Anregung eines Blinden, Matthew Shrifrin, nun seit einem Jahr sprachliche Bauanleitungen zur Verfuegung, damit auch Blinde und Sehbehinderte an der Welt der …


Dr. Arthur Flexer, OFAI, Wien

Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection

OFAI's Arthur Flexer will give a semi-virtual lecture on “Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection” at the Austrian Research Institute …


Prof. Bob Sturm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

On horses in machine learning

A "horse" is a system that is not actually addressing the problem it appears to be solving. The inspiration for the metaphor is the real-life …


Prof. Bob Sturm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Folk the algorithms - Music at the frontiers of artificial creativity and criticism

In this talk/musical performance, I will recount how a bit of Saturday morning humor turned into an ERC Consolidator Grant four years later. It …