Dr. Arthur Flexer, OFAI, Wien
Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection


OFAI's Arthur Flexer will give a semi-virtual lecture on “Discovering X Degrees of Keyword Separation in a Fine Arts Collection” at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). The presented work is inspired by the project ‘X Degrees of Separation’ by ‘Google Arts and Culture’, which explores the “hidden paths through culture” by analyzing visual features of artworks to find pathways between any two artifacts through a chain of artworks. In his work, Arthur Flexer is more interested in finding pathways of the semantic meaning of works of art rather than just their visual features. Therefore he used word embedding (Mikolov et al 2013), which encodes semantic similarities between words by modelling the context to their neighboring words in a large training text corpus. This is used to embed keywords of Belvedere's online fine arts collection and obtain pathways through the resulting semantic space.

Keywords from left to right: [‘Resurrection’, ‘Christ’], [‘Christ’], [‘Death’, ‘Skeleton’], [‘Vulture’], [‘Angel’, ‘Air’, ‘Martyrdom’, ‘Suffering’, ‘Failure’, ‘Death’, ‘Andreas’, ‘Multiple Layer Room’]. (Credit: Belvedere, Vienna, Austria. CC BY-SA 4.0.)