

Dr. Peter Hallman, MA, BA, OFAI

Comparatives in Arabic

Syrian Arabic, like English, has a syntactic constraint on the formation of clauses that describe standards of comparison. But unlike in English, the scope of …


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Roth, BSc, MSc, University of Vienna

Evaluation and Learning with Structured Test Sets

While behavioural tests capture human prior knowledge and insights, there has been little exploration on how to leverage them for model training and development. This …


Ass.-Prof. Dr. Karën Fort, Sorbonne Université / LORIA

Ethics and NLP: What we Talk About, What we Don't Talk About Anymore, What we Never Talked About

Commercial applications of natural language processing have now invaded our daily lives, with consequences that raise difficult ethical questions. These questions will be discussed in …


Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Christoph Scheepers, University of Glasgow

The “Crossword Effect” in Free Word Recall: A Retrieval Advantage for Words Encoded in Line with their Spatial Associations

Word concepts are known to modulate sensori-motor responses, but it is less understood how sensori-motor actions influence access to word concepts in memory. This phenomenon …


Dr. Raphael Deimel, BSc, MSc, TU Wien

Fluent and Intuitive Human–robot Object Handover

Watching humans hand over things, the skill seems trivial. But the smoothness and the ease of interaction is deceiving, as complex, fast and nonverbal communication …


Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Roman Pflugfelder, TU München / Technion

Fragmented Occlusion in Computer Vision

Computer vision algorithms are stymied by occlusion, the result of information loss when a three-dimensional scene is projected onto a two-dimensional image. A new video …


Prof. Antti Arppe, MSc, PhD, University of Alberta

Finding Words that Aren't There: Using Word Embeddings to Improve Dictionary Search for Low-resource Languages

Machine learning for language technology requires an amount of training data that simply does not exist for many languages. Can we exploit existing models for …


Prof. Dr. (i.V.) Steffen Eger, Bielefeld University

Text Generation for the Humanities

Can computers learn to write poetry in particular styles, or to summarize historical documents using more modern language? These and other subjects will be discussed …


Prof. Dr. Katrien Beuls, MSc, MA, University of Namur, Belgium

Unravelling the Computational Mechanisms Underlying the Emergence of Human-like Communication Systems in Populations of Autonomous Agents

Advances in AI have led to tremendous progress in many domains, but the communication systems used by artificial agents are still far removed from exhibiting …


Dr.-Ing. Tristan Miller, BSc Hons, MSc, OFAI

What's in a Pun? Assessing the Relationship Between Phonological and Semantic Distance and Perceived Funniness of Punning Jokes

What makes a pun funny? This talk by Tristan Miller, entitled "What's in a Pun?", investigates the semantic and phonological factors underlying punning humour. The …