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- Workshop on Cognitive Architectures for HRI: Embodied Models of Situated Natural Language Interactions MM-Cog (13.5.2019, at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS2019, Montreal, Canada)
- Symposium on Language Learning for Artificial Agents L2A2 (16.-18.4., 2019 AISB Convention)
- 13th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents -- IVA2013 (29.-31.8.2013, Edinburgh, UK)
- First International Workshop on Language Technology for Historical Text(s) LThist 2012 (21.9.2012, Vienna, Austria)
- 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems (22.-23.2.2012, TU Vienna Austria)
- Symposium L: Companions, Virtual Butlers, Assistive Robots: Empirical and Theoretical Insights for Building Long-Term Social Relations
Symposium at the 20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (8. April 2010, University of Vienna)
- Towards a Shared Task for Multiword Expressions
(MWE 2008)
Online Proceedings Workshop at the LREC 2008 Conference (1. June 2008, Marrakech, Morocco)
- Gesticons for
Expressive Embodied Conversational Characters
(12. December 2003, OFAI, Vienna)
- Computational Approaches to Collocations
Online Proceedings
(22./23. July 2002, University of Vienna)
- Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-99) EACL-99 Post-Conference Workshop (12. June 1999, Bergen, Norway)