Workshop on Computational Approaches to Collocations
Vienna, Austria
Programme & Proceedings
Mo 22. July 2002
- Welcome (Brigitte Krenn, Ulrich Heid)
- STS1 -- Association Measures .pdf (Stefan Evert, 60 min)
- STS1 -- Significance Testing .pdf (Stefan Evert, 60 min)
- Paper presentation -- Quasthoff, Wolff:
The Poisson Collocation Measure and its Applications
(20 min talk)
- Discussion: mathematics of AMs, significance testing, questions
related to the paper presentation (50 min)
- STS2 -- Preparing Candidate Data .pdf (Brigitte Krenn, 60 min)
work-in-progress section: Evert, Kermes: The influence of
linguistic preprocessing on candidate data.
.pdf (20 min)
- work-in-progress section: Huemmer, Geyken, Finkbeiner, Fellbaum: On the relation between syntactic form and
statistical association measure. .pdf (20 min presentation)
- Discussion: the influence of candidate data on the collocation identification results (40 min)
Di 23. July 2002
- STS4 -- Collocations and Lexicography .ps
(Ulrich Heid, 60 min)
- Paper presentation: Smets, Pentheroudakis, Menezes:
Translation of verbal idioms. .pdf (20 min + 5 min discussion)
- Paper presentation: Kummer, Wagner: Phrase processing for
detecting collocations with KoKS. .pdf (20 min + 5 min discussion)
- Discussion: colloc and lexicography; colloc, lexicography and MT (40 min)
- STS3 - Productivity of collocations .pdf (Anke Luedeling, 60 min)
- Paper presentation: Zinsmeister, Heid: Collocations of complex
words: Implications for the acquisition with a stochastic
grammar. .pdf (20 min + 5 min)
- Paper presentation: Krovetz: Why is an operating system like
a washing machine? The representation and processing of lexical
phrases. The paper will be made available soon. (20 min + 5 min)
- work-in-progress session: Baroni, Matiasek, Trost: Using textual association measures and minimum edit distance to discover morphological relations. .pdf (20 min)
- Discussion: productivity of collocations (40 min)
- STS5 -- Collocations and information management .pdf (Gregor Erbach, 60min)
- Discussion: collocations and information management, and
related applications (20 min)
- Closing