
Start of the ZIT "From Science to Products" project quiew - Entwicklung eines multidomainfähigen Online-Bewertungs- und Feedbacksystems with Brigitte Krenn and Johannes Matiasek as scientific collaborators …

Flagship Projects of the EU: OFAI scientists involved in the preparation of three flaghsips: Robert Trappl in "Human Brain Project (HBP)", Neurorobotics Pillar, at present …

Start of the EU-Project "Roadmap for Music Information Research (MIRES)", Coordination and Support Action, lead by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, OFAI's contribution carried out …

Brigitte Krenn gives the talk "Speak to me and I tell you who you are! A language-attitude study in a cultural-heritage application" at the workshop …

FFG-Project "Computers for UserInnen (C4U)" with Brigitte Krenn as leader and cooperating scientists Stephanie Schreitter, Gregor Sieber and Sabine Payr successfully completed.

EU-Project "Learning for Security (L4S)" with Paolo Petta as activity leader, Sabine Payr, Bernhard Jung, Christoph Hermann, Laszlo Kiraly, Ali Nikrang-Mofad and Heiner Micko as …