

Prof. Stacy Marsella lecture posponed

Engineering the Impact of Emotion on Human Behavior

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone Stacy Marsella's talk, originally scheduled for 2023-03-29, until Wednesday, May 17 at 18:30 CET (UTC …


Prof. Dr. Niels Taatgen, University of Groningen

The Skill-based Method of Modeling Human Intelligent Behavior

Humans are capable of performing many novel tasks with little or no instruction, contrary to machines. A possible solution – modelling a set of cognitive skills …


Prof. Mag. Phil. Winfried Lechner, PhD, University of Athens

Natural Language Semantics and Music

Applying methods of formal linguistics to the study of music has exposed homologies between the two systems, though meaning-related aspects of music have remained understudied …


Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Pucher, OFAI

Synthesizing Dialects, Faces, Singing Voices, Songbirds, and Famous Dead Actors

Statistical parametric speech synthesis has significantly improved the quality and flexibility of speech synthesis systems. Its uses in dialect interpolation, singing synthesis, and other application …


Prof. Benjamin Mako Hill, BA, MSc, PhD, University of Washington

Balancing Open Participation and Information Quality in Wikipedia Using Machine Learning

The Wikimedia Foundation has developed a set of ML/AI systems that have been shaping editing behaviour on Wikipedia. How these tools have impacted the …


Winfried Lechner lecture postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to postpone Winfried Lechner's talk, originally scheduled for 1 February, until Wednesday, 8 March at 18:30 CET …

Lecture series

OFAI 2023 Winter/Spring Lecture Series

OFAI is delighted to announce its 2023 Winter/Spring Lecture Series, featuring an eclectic lineup of internal and external speakers.

The talks are intended to …


Dipl.-Ing. Martin Trapp, PhD, Aalto University

Leveraging Connections Between Deep Architectures and Bayesian Nonparametrics

The Bayesian approach to deep learning aims to encode prior knowledge into models, but defining priors is often challenging. These challenges are discussed in "Leveraging …


Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bernhard Pfahringer, University of Waikato

Everything Changes, but Your ML Models Stay the Same?

Machine learning assumes data to be independently and identically sampled from a distribution, though in the real world this assumption rarely holds. Data stream mining …


Mag. Dr. Stephanie Gross, MSc, OFAI

Multimodal Human–Robot Interaction in Situated Task Descriptions

Humans and robots are increasingly working together at home and in the workplace, and successful interaction depends on the robot picking up on the human's …