SAB'98 Workshop

Grounding Emotions in Adaptive Systems

at the 5th International Conference
of the Society for Adaptive Behavior
University of Zurich, Switzerland
August 21, 1998

[SAB'98 WS5: Grounding Emotions...]   [SAB'98 WS5: Timeplan]

Accepted Submissions:

 1:  Rodrigo Ventura & Carlos Pinto-Ferreira
Meaning Engines -- Revisiting the Chinese Room (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Av Rovisco Pais 1, 1096 Lisboa Codex, Portugal

 2:  Thomas Wehrle
Motivations Behind Modeling Emotional Agents: Whose Emotion Does Your Robot Have? (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Geneve Emotion Research Group, FPSE, University of Geneva
9, route de Drize, CH-1227 Carouge-Geneve

 3:  Tadashi Kitamura
An Architecture of Behavior Selection Grounding Emotions (Introduction, full paper in PostScript)
Department of Mechanical System Engineering
College of Computer Science and System Engineering
Kyushu Institute of Technology, 680 Kawatsu, Iizuka-city
Fukuoka, 820 Japan

 4:  Alastair Burt
Research Into Emotionally Intelligent Agents (Motivation, position statement in PostScript)
DFKI, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3,
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

 5:  Christian Balkenius & Janne Moren
A Computational Model of Emotional Conditioning in The Brain (Abstract, full paper in PDF)
Lund University Cognitive Science
Kungshuset, Lundagard, S-222 22 LUND

 6:  Sandra Clara Gadanho & John Hallam
Emotion-Triggered Learning for Autonomous Robots (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh
5, Forrest Hill, Edinburgh EH1 2QL, UK

 7:  Gerald Foliot & Olivier Michel
Learning Object Significance With an Emotion Based Process (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
L.E.A.C.M. -- Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
5, avenue Pierre Mendes France, 69500 Bron, France

 8:  Chrystopher Nehaniv
The First, Second and Third Person Emotions:
Grounding Adaptation In a Biological and Social World
(Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Interactive Systems Engineering, University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB, U.K.

 9:  Juan D. Velásquez
A Computational Framework for Emotion-Based Control (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
545 Technology Square, NE43-935, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

10:  Stevo Bozinovski, Liljana Bozinovska*, Cveta Martinovska*
Emotion, Adaptation, and Consequence Driven Systems (Abstract, position statement in PostScript)
Electrical Engineering Faculty, Karpos II, 91000 Skopje, Macedonia
*Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty, 91000 Skopje, Macedonia
phone +389 91 399 154, fax +389 91 364 262

11:  Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov
Robot Statology - Operational Understanding of Emotions To Be Embedded In a Robot (Abstract, position statement in PostScript)
Institute of Cell Biophysics Russian Academy of Sciences
Pushchino, Moscow Region 142292, Russia

12:  Luís Miguel Botelho & Helder Coelho*
Adaptive agents: emotion learning (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Department of Information Sciences and Technologies, ISCTE
Lisbon, Portugal
*Department of Computing Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal

13:  Alain Bonardi & Francis Rousseaux
Some Issues about Emotion in Multimedia Musical Works (Abstract, position statement in PostScript)

14:  Michel Aubé
Designing Adaptive Cooperating Animats Will Require Designing Emotions: Expanding upon Toda's Urge Theory (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Qc, CANADA, J1K 2R1
Fax: +1 (819) 821-7950, Phone: +1 (819) 821-8000, ext. 2426 (office)

15:  Yasmine Arafa, Patricia Charlton, Abe Mamdani
Modelling Personal Service Assistants with Personality: From Metaphor to Implementation (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, UK

16:  Alexander Staller & Paolo Petta
Towards a Tractable Appraisal-Based Architecture for Situated Cognizers (Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria (EU)

17:  Doug Riecken
``Emotions'' and Architecture which Enable Learning to Compose Music
(Abstract, full paper in PostScript)
Computer Systems Research Laboratory
Bell Laboratories --- Lucent Technologies, Room 2C304
600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA, Tel: (++1) (908) 582-8011

[SAB'98 WS5: Grounding Emotions...]   [SAB'98 WS5: Timeplan]
paolo petta
Last modified: Wed Sep 28 23:38:50 CEST 2011