Manuel Alcántara's Homepage

E-MAIL: manuel at maria dot lllf dot uam dot es


2005LABLITA, University of Florence (Italy)
Invited talk: "Semantic Tagging of Speech and Written Corpora for the Analysis of Event Structures (SESCO)"
2005 Chapter: "The Spanish corpus" (in E. Cresti and M. Moneglia (eds.): C-ORAL-ROM: Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages, ed. Benjamins).
With A. Moreno, G. De la Madrid, A. Gonzalez, J. M. Guirao and R. De la Torre.
2005Workshop Cross-modular Approaches to Ellipsis, ESSLLI, Edinburgh
Talk: "Ellipsis in Spontaneous Spoken Language" (in Proceedings)
With N. Bertomeu.
2004HLT-NAACL, Boston
Talk: "Syntax to Semantics Transformation: Application to Treebanking" (in Proceedings)
With A. Moreno.
2004DFKI, Saarbruecken (Germany)
Invited talk: "Semantic Tagging of Corpora"
2004IV International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)
Talk: "Orality and Difficulties in the Transcription of Spoken Corpora" (in Proceedings)
With A. Gonzalez, G. de la Madrid, R. de la Torre and A. Moreno.
2004Simposio de la Sociedad Espaņola de Lingüística (SEL)
Talk: "Aspectos prácticos, tecnológicos y legales en la construcción de corpus de habla espontánea: la experiencia del proyecto C-ORAL-ROM" (in Proceedings)
With A. Moreno
2003Congress of Corpus Linguistics, University of Lancaster
Talk: "Relating lexical items to sociolinguistic features in a spontaneous speech corpus of Spanish" (in Proceedings and Chapter in Corpus Linguistics around the World, ed. Rodopi)
With J.M. Guirao, A. Gonzalez, G. de la Madrid and A. Moreno.
2003V International Workshop on Computational Semantics, Tilburg University (Holland)
Poster: "Semantic Tagging System for Corpora"

May 2005