Computational Semantics Links

General sites
LT-WORLDInformation service for language technologies. [English]
SIGSEMACL Special interest group on Computational semantics. [English]
SEPLNSociedad Espaņola para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. [Spanish]
Computational linguistics groups
gPLSIGrupo de investigación de procesamiento de lenguage y sistemas de información. [Spanish]
Minority languages
DOBESDocumentation of Endangered Languages.[English]
SALTMILISCA Special interest group on speech and language technology for minority languages.[English]
FreelingOpen source suite of language analyzers.
Mark-up languages for corpora
XML-esInformation about XML.[Spanish]
IMDIISLE Meta Data Initiative. [English]
Working with corpora
Manuel Barbera's Web Resources Reference GuideCorpora and Corpus-based Computational Linguistics. [Spanish]
David Lee's BookmarksBookmarks for Corpus-based Linguistics.[English]
TIGER link collectionTreebanking links.[English]
Spanish TreebankTreebank of Spanish newspaper texts.[English]
C-ORAL-ROMComparable spontaneous speech corpora in four romance languages: Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish.[English]
BulTreeBankHPSG-based Syntactic Treebank of Bulgarian.[English]
SALSALexical Semantics Acquisition.[English]
TIGERTreebank of German newspaper texts.[English]

If you know a good web site devoted to Computational linguistics, please let me know.