Further information

SESCO  is the Ph.D. work of  Manuel Alcántara Plá , supervised by Dr. Antonio Moreno Sandoval, professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

We would especially like to thank Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera for his advice and assistance on the theoretical issues.

We also owe a debt of gratitude for assitance and support to the "C-ORAL-ROM Madrid Team".


Alcántara Plá, Manuel and Antonio Moreno Cabrera: "Syntax to Semantics Transformation: Application to Treebanking"; in Proceedings of Frontiers in Corpus Annotation 2004; HLT-NAACL Boston 2004.

Alcántara Plá, Manuel: "Semantic Tagging System for Corpora"; Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics; Tilburg University, 2003.

Alcántara Plá, Manuel; Antonio Moreno Sandoval, Guillermo de la Madrid Heitzmann, Ana González Ledesma y Fernando Ares Chicote: “C-ORAL-ROM. Corpus integrado de referencia en lenguas romances”, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, nº 31, septiembre 2003.

Jose María Guirao Miras, Antonio Moreno Sandoval, Ana González Ledesma, Guillermo de la Madrid Heitzmann, Manuel Alcántara Plá: “Relating linguistic units to socio-contextual information in a spontaneous speech corpus of Spanish” cap. Corpus Linguistics across the Word, ed. Rodopi, 2003.

Contact information:

        Computational Linguistics Laboratory (
        Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
        Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
        Campus de Cantoblanco. Carretera de Colmenar Km.16
        (28049) Madrid. Spain.

            E-mail: manuel at maria dot lllf dot uam dot es
            Main http-site :

            SESCO en espaņol :

            Telephone number: (+034) 91 497 52 50
