The Latex thing for Windows, includes all necessary tools to compile Latex, create PDF and PS files etc. The smallest version has a download size of about 23MB and needs 100MB disk space.
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Nice graphical interface to Latex, perfect for people without Latex experience. Works well with MikTex.
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BibDB - A BibTex Manager
A simple but useful little program that offers a graphical user interface to maintain a database of bibliographies.
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GSview, Acrobat Reader
The common choices to view PS and PDF files. Note that GSview needs Ghostscript. I recommend installing in the following order: Ghostscript, GSview, Acrobat Reader, MikTex, TexnicCenter. (BibDB doesn't need to be installed, just use it.)
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An alternative to the compulsary military service in Austria: Instead of serving 8 months in the army it is possible to work 14 months abroad for an NGO dealing with peace issues (Friedensdienst), social issues (Sozialdienst), or issues related to the remembrance of the holocaust (Gedenkdienst). | |
www.sci.or.at, www.sciint.org
A different way of spending vacations: Service Civil International organizes workcamps (with a duration of about 2-3 weeks) where young volunteers from all over the world work together on non-profit projects.
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last updated: July 29th,
2006 by elias |