OFAI: Two open positions in Serious Games Game Framework Developer and Game Experience Designer for Web-Based Crisis Management Simulation Games The Intelligent Software Agents and New Media Group of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) located in Vienna, Austria (EU), invites applications for two Senior Researcher/Developer positions in the context of the EU Project L4S "Learning for Security" (http://l4s.fvaweb.eu/site/info.html) The successful applicants will work on the development and implementation of an innovative framework for effective web-based learning experiences for tactical crisis management in air transportation, in close collaboration with further OFAI staff, and with contributions from other project members in Austria, Germany, Greece, and Italy. We are looking for open-minded team-workers with excellent technical knowledge and skills. Applicants should have experience in educational simulation game design and development, and be skilled in scenario-based rapid prototyping. Good proficiency in either English or German language is expected. Specific qualifications: Game Framework Developer: ** Excellent Java programming skills ** Programming experience with Java Enterprise Edition, in particular: ** JBoss Application Server desirable knowledge: * Seam Framework * JBoss Drools 5 (Drools Flow) ** Experience with management of dynamic interactive web sites Game Experience Designer: ** Experience with design and implementation of interactive and dynamic (i.e.: autonomously evolving) real-time scenarios ** Creation and sustenance of atmosphere with multi-modal means (video and audio) ** Working knowledge of varied interaction mechanisms and presentation techniques ** Support for heterogeneous player populations of learners/players without particular computer skills; high usability (single time, one-shot playing sessions) ** Capability of coordinating game experience with other key requirements: the simulation games are modular extensible didactic tools ** Excellent skills in web-based technologies, such as Facelets, Javascript, Ajax, Adobe Flash/Flex The salaries depend on the level of qualification and prior experience of the candidate. The positions are to be filled asap, for at least six months. Employment at OFAI beyond the scope of this project is possible. Please submit your application including a CV and salary requirements to Paolo Petta (paolo.petta AT ofai.at) Information on OFAI's Intelligent Agents and New Media Group can be found at http://www.ofai.at/research/agents/