Machine learning to qualify postings
The research and development project Foromat was the first endeavour of OFAI to bring the benefits of machine learning to news media. Media owners and publishers have a legal (and moral) obligation to monitor the content published on their pages. Foromat helps the forum moderators to identify postings that must not be published due to their infringing, abusive and offending content. The system is successfully running at Der Standard since 2005.
Read what der Standard says: Article "Rätselhaftes Wesen Foromat, Interview "20 Jahre Community" (articles in German)
Research staff
- Johannes Matiasek
Forschungsförderungfonds für die Gewerbliche Wirtschaft (FFF)

Key facts
- Duration
2004 to 2005 - Coordinator
OFAI - Sponsor
Forschungsförderungfonds für die Gewerbliche Wirtschaft
- Contact
Brigitte Krenn