Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr, wir freuen uns, auf ein Buch hinweisen zu koennen, das soeben im Verlag Lawrence Erlbaum Associates erschienen ist, von WissenschafterInnen des OeFAI herausgegeben wurde, und das moeglicherweise fuer Sie von Interesse ist: AGENT CULTURE Human-Agent Interaction in a Multicultural World Edited by Sabine Payr and Robert Trappl Aus dem Vorwort: Computer animation and -simulation have been making such rapid progress during the last years that we are facing an increasing number of computer-generated, realistic, and believable actors in different roles and in different media, e.g. in computer games and even in movies. While scientific research and technical development have been focusing mainly on the (individual) personality of synthetic actors, we investigated the role of the synthetic being as part of a heterogeneous society of real and virtual persons. We furthermore tried to investigate in which cultural context synthetic actors are developed and used. They can be developed as being "as universal as possible", as expressing a specific culture, this being an ethnic or a national culture or a sub-culture, or as a means for better understanding another culture. Therefore, also modelling non-verbal communication, especially by mimics, by gestures, and by postures, plays a major role. Ignoring these culture-dependencies can lead to a breakdown in (intercultural) communication. The twelve projects presented are grouped under "Culture(s) and Agent Technology", "Design for Cross-Cultural Believability" and "Agents for Intercultural Communication". The book is not only of relevance for researchers and developers but also for everyone interested in the psychological, social and cultural aspects of this fascinating new technology. Dieses Buch ist bereits im Buchhandel erhaeltlich. Mit herzlichen Gruessen und den besten Wuenschen fuer ein erfolgreiches und glueckliches Jahr 2005, OESTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE o.Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl