SIGUL talk on Austrian speech synthesis

On 18 August 2023 Lorenz Gutscher delivered a talk at SIGUL 2023, the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages.

The talk, "Neural Speech Synthesis for Austrian Dialects with Standard German Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion and Dialect Embeddings", was about dialect embeddings and how to use them to shift a speaker from standard to dialect or dialect to standard. An online demo of the technology is available to try out, and the full paper can be read on ResearchGate.

SIGUL 2023, held in Dublin from 18 to 20 August 2023, is a satellite workshop of Interspeech 2023.

Lorenz Gutscher speaking at SIGUL 2023
Lorenz Gutscher speaking at SIGUL 2023