MEi:CogSci internship on human–robot collaboration

Arina Polyanskaya, a Master's student at the University of Vienna's MEI:CogSci program, has joined the OFAI for a summer internship.

Arina holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology from Florida International University (FIU) in Miami. At OFAI she is working under the supervision of Mag. Dr. Brigitte Krenn on a project that investigates the errors and miscommunications that occur during collaborative tasks between a human participant and a cobot in a mixed reality (XR) environment. In the project, Arina will extend her skills in qualitative analysis for human–robot interaction (HRI) working on annotating and analyzing recorded interaction videos. She will also gain experience in working with larger sets of data recorded from the XR environment, including working with databases and with tools and techniques from data science and machine learning.

Arina Polyanskaya
Arina Polyanskaya,