Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence (OeFAI) Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.+43-1-53532810,5336112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VORTRAG ******* Peter A. WHIGHAM, M.Sc. University of New South Wales Canberra Australia A Grammatical Genetic Learning System ------------------------------------- The genetic programming paradigm (GP) is a functional approach to inductively forming programs that describe a particular problem. The use of natural selection based on a fitness function for modifying the program population has allowed many problems to be solved that require a non-fixed representation. In this seminar a learning system, inspired by GP, is described. A context free grammar is used to define the structure of the initial language and to direct crossover and mutation. This represents a form of declarative bias. Operators that take the initial grammar and modify its definition are described. These operations may be considered as a form of specialization, given the initial grammar describes the most general form of a solution. Hence the learning system modifies its own bias during the evolution of a solution. The results using these operators are described for various problems. The use of a modified grammar for future runs is discussed as a form of incremental learning. This shows that the learnt grammatical changes are representing structures of the problem that are important. Zeit: Dienstag, 19.September 1995, 18:30 Uhr pktl. Ort: OeFAI, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 1.