Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik (OeSGK) Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.+43-1-53532810,5336112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VORTRAG ******* Prof.Dr.Stuart UMPLEBY George Washington University Washington, D.C. USA The Movement to Improve Quality in Higher Education in the U.S. ------------------------------- Since 1980 quality improvement methods have been widely adopted by corporations and government agencies in the US. Quality improvement methods have been shown to produce superior financial returns in the private sector and more efficient government in the public sector. In 1996 pilot studies were conducted to create quality awards for educational and health care institutions in addition to the current awards for corporations and government agencies. Quite a few universities in the US now have quality improvement efforts underway. Conferences are regularly held among coordinators of campus quality improvement efforts. Listservs and websites have been created for people to share experiences. The ability to measure quality of instruction and a culture of experimentation and innovation are thought to be very important as educational institutions continue to incorporate new information technologies into their operations. Quality improvement methods are a way to engage in control and communication and are based on a pragmatic philosophy. Biography: Prof.Umpleby is the Director of the Center for Social and Organizational Learning at George Washington University in Washington, DC. He has taught a course on quality improvement methods for five years, and for three years he served as the faculty facilitator for a Quality and Innovation Initiative in the School of Business and Public Management at GWU. Zeit: Donnerstag, 3.Juli 1997, 18:30 Uhr pktl. Ort: Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 1.