Dr. K. Oliva

Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence (OeFAI)
                      Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien


Dr.Karel OLIVA
Universitaet des Saarlandes

Implementation of an HPSG-Style Lexicon

The talk will describe the linguistic background of an implementation 
of a lexicon in an HPSG style.

In the first part, the information contained in the lexicon and above 
all its structuring will be discussed, together with techniques used 
for expressing "vertical" lexical regularities and for compressing the
hierarchy. Linguistic motivation for limited defaults will be given, 
and it will be shown how these "mild" defaults are coped with.   

In the second part, a method of removing the "horizontal" regularities
will be presented: an alternative to the lexical rules will be proposed
by replacing them by relational constraints corresponding more directly
to the standard lexicographic and morphological practice. Possible impli-
cations of this view of lexical rules for (lexical) derivation will be
also  discussed, albeit only shortly, because these are not implemented
in the system proper as it stands now.

Zeit: Donnerstag, 18.Mai 1995, 18:30 Uhr pktl.
Ort:  OeFAI, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 1.   


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haben und er sich in dankenswerter Weise zu einem Vortrag bereit
erklaerte, konnte diese Einladung nur mehr an jene Personen 
uebermittelt werden, die im elektronischen Verteiler sind.