Prof. W. Wahlster

Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence (OeFAI)
                      Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien


Prof.Dr.Wolfgang WAHLSTER
Wissenschaftlicher Direktor
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer
Kuenstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Saarbruecken

Verbmobil: Towards the DRT-based 
Translation of Spontaneous Negotiation Dialogs 

Verbmobil is a long-term project on the translation of spontaneous speech
in negotiation dialogs. We describe the goals of the project, the data
collection effort and the architecture of the first demonstrator.  In
particular, we will discuss the role of the prosodic module and the 
domain model based on a description logic for efficient speech under-
standing. We present a new domain-independent semantic construction 
component based on lambda abstraction over discourse representation 
structures. The recursive DRT-based transfer component maps fully
specified HPSG signs with a source DRS onto an underspecified target DRS. 
The source language generator is based on a lexicalized tree adjoining 
grammar with feature unification. The fully operational demonstrator 
translates German speech input into English speech output in the 
appointment scheduling domain.

Zeit: Freitag, 12.Mai 1995, 17:00 Uhr pktl. 
Ort:  OeFAI, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 1.