Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence (OeFAI) Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43-1-5336112, Fax: +43-1-5320652, Email: sec@ai.univie.ac.at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- gemeinsam mit dem Institut fuer Medizinische Kybernetik und Artificial Intelligence der Univ. Wien im Rahmen des Konversatoriums "Art/ificial Intelligence: Die Beziehung zwischen Kunst und Artificial Intelligence" VORTRAG ******* Emilios CAMBOUROPOULOS, Ph.D. Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence TOWARDS A GENERAL COMPUTATIONAL THEORY OF MUSICAL STRUCTURE In this talk an overview of work done towards the development of a computational model of musical structure will be presented. Input to the model is an unstructured melodic surface and output is a 'plausible' segmentation and categorisation of the discovered musical segments into 'motives' or 'themes'. The proposed theory is based on general cognitive and logical principles and is independent of any specific musical style or idiom. A range of musical examples from various musical styles will be presented. An extended abstract can be found at: http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/~emilios/phd.html Zeit: Mittwoch, 10.Maerz 1999, 18:00 (*** Bitte Beginnzeit beachten ***) Ort: OeFAI, Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien 1. OESTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE o.Univ.-Prof.Dr.Robert Trappl