Workshop on Prosodic Annotation, Anna Bruggeman, M.phil., Uni Koeln

 Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fÃŒr Artificial Intelligence
                      is pleased to announce the


                  held by  Anna Bruggeman 
          (Universitaet zu Köln, Institut fÌr Phonetik)

date:     20 - 21 June 2016 
time:     9:00 - 13:00  
location: Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut
          fÃŒr Artificial Intelligence, OFAI
          Freyung 6, Stiege 6, 1010 Wien

The workshop will focus on DIMA(
uploads/2015/05/DIMA-Annotationsrichtlinien.V2.0.pdf), a recently
developed consensus annotation scheme for prosodic annotation of
German. DIMA's primary aim is to provide the tools for a phonetically
informed phonological transcription that can be used and interpreted by
researchers with different backgrounds.

The goal of the workshop is to introduce newcomers to the prosodic
annotation of speech data and will help interested researchers master
their own annotation projects. Following an introduction into computer
aided annotation of prosody in speech and or multimodal corpora, and a
general introduction into ToBI annotation systems (http://www.ling.ohio-, the DIMA annotation system will be presented. The
rest of the workshop will focus on gaining hands-on experience with
DIMA annotation and solving practical annotation issues. If possible,
bring your laptop.

As the number of participants is limited, please, state your interest
to participate by sending an e-mail to no later
than 16th June. (Available places will be assigned on a first come
first serve basis.)

The workshop is supported by the CHIST-ERA HLU Project "Artificial
Language Understanding in Robots ATLANTIS".