V O R T R A G ********************** Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence(OFAI) der OSGK Freyung 6/6, A-1010 Wien Tel: +43-1-5336112-17, Fax: +43-1-5336112-77, Email: sec@ofai.at Aggelos Gkiokas, MSc Institute for Language and Speech Processing Athena Research Center, Athens, Greece "APPLYING RHYTHMIC FEATURES TO MUSIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL: TEMPO, BEAT AND MOVING BEYOND" Most of the effort in automated rhythm analysis of music has been concentrated on the tempo estimation and beat tracking tasks. Although tempo and beat per se have a very important role in the MIR field, there is a wealth of information from the intermediate stages that can be explored in other problems. In particular, intermediate level characteristics of the tempo and beat prove to be valuable descriptors, which can be deployed to tackle higher level of abstraction problems, such as music segmentation, rhythm similarity, genre classification and meter extraction. The talk will be organized in three sections. The first section involves a detailed presentation of block-level computations for the estimation of these intermediate features. Next, we present methods for the estimation of tempo and beat that are based on these features. The third section is concentrated on the exploitation of these descriptors to tackle other higher level problems mentioned above. ********* Time: Monday, 21st October 2013, 6.30 p.m. sharp Location: Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence, OFAI Freyung 6, Stiege 6, 1010 Wien OESTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl *********