Dr. Lawrence Cayton, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen

                              V O R T R A G

                  Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut 
                   fuer Artificial Intelligence(OFAI)                   
                        Freyung 6/6, A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-533611-20,  Fax: +43-1-5336112-77,  Email: sec@ofai.at

Dr. Lawrence Cayton
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen

"Fast similarity search for Bregman divergences"

Nearest neighbor (NN) search is a core ingredient in many algorithms for
machine learning, information retrieval, and elsewhere.  Reducing the
complexity of NN search has been extensively studied for decades;
however, most of the research applied only to standard Euclidean
distance or, more generally, metrics.  In many modern applications,
including text and image analysis, non-metrics notions of distance have
become popular; for instance, documents are often modeled as probability
distributions, and hence a natural notion of distance is the
KL-divergence (relative entropy).

In this talk, I'll present the first techniques for efficient similarity
search when the notion of distance is given by a Bregman divergence.
Bregman divergences are a broad class of distance-like functions that
have attracted much attention in machine learning in recent years.  They
present a challenge for efficient similarity search because they can
behave quite exotically; for example, they can be asymmetric and the
triangle inequality need not hold.  These techniques rely heavily on
geometric properties of Bregman divergences which we developed with
convex analysis tools.


        Zeit: Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009, 18:30 Uhr pktl.

            Ort:  Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut
                   fuer Artificial Intelligence, OFAI
                    Freyung 6, Stiege 6, 1010 Wien.


                 Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl


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