Prof. Dr. Jonathan Kaye, Universitaet Wien


Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence(OeFAI)
                      Freyung 6/6, A-1010 Wien
 Tel.: +43-1-53361120,  Fax: +43-1-5336112-77,  Email:

 Prof. Dr. Jonathan Kaye
 Gastprofessor am Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft,
 Universitaet Wien

                     SEX, LIES AND LINGUISTICS

 In this talk I will try to answer, at least in part, some of
 the following questions about human linguistic behaviour.

   €    Why do children learn language when they do?
   €    Why does language acquisition appear to tail off at puberty?
   €    Why do linguistic systems always change?
   €    Why do people say such stupid things about language?

 My principal hypothesis is the human language derived from the
 group recognition system employed by hominids rather than from
 any primate communication system. It will be shown that a number
 of otherwise mysterious properties of human linguistic systems
 may be explained by this hypothesis.


  Zeit:   Dienstag, 30. November 2004, 18:30 Uhr pktl.

  Ort:    Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut
          fuer Artificial Intelligence
          FREYUNG 6/6, 3. Stock, 1010 Wien.


  o.Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl