VORTRAG ******* Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence(OeFAI) Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43-1-53361120, Fax: +43-1-5336112-77, Email: sec@oefai.at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Eva Hudlicka Psychometrix Associates Inc., Blacksburg, Virginia, USA THIS TIME WITH FEELING: METHODOLOGY AND TESTBED FOR MODELING STATE AND TRAIT EFFECTS ON DECISION MAKING AND BEHAVIOR Decision making and behavior are influenced by a variety of cognitive, personality, and affective factors. Together these factors are referred to as individual differences. Modeling their effects within cognitive architectures is critical, both for the development of more realistic agents, and for the advancement of our understanding of a variety of perceptual and cognitive processes. In this talk I will describe a generic methodology for modeling the effects of individual differences within symbolic cognitive architectures, with particular focus on trait and state effects. The core component of the methodology is a high degree of architecture parameterization of both structure and processing. This parameter space then provides a means of encoding the effects of specific configurations of individual differences on a variety of perceptual and cognitive processes. The methodology has been implemented in the context of a specific cognitive architecture and a computational cognitive modeling testbed environment, which supports the definition of multiple, interacting agent types. A demonstration of 'anxious', 'aggressive' and 'normal' agent behavior will be presented in the context of a series of events occurring within a demonstration scenario. Zeit: Donnerstag, 21. November 2002, 18:30 Uhr pktl. Ort: Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien. OESTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE o.Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl