VORTRAG ******* Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence(OeFAI) Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43-1-53361120, Fax: +43-1-5336112-77, Email: sec@oefai.at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Keiji Hirata NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan INTERACTIVE MUSIC SUMMARIZATION SYSTEM BASED ON GTTM My talk presents a music summarization system called "Papipuun." Papipuun performs quick listening in a manner similar to a stylus skipping on a scratched record, but the skipping occurs correctly at punctuations of musical phrases, not arbitrarily. First, I would mention a method for representing polyphony based on time-span reduction in the generative theory of tonal music (GTTM) and the deductive object-oriented database (DOOD). The operation, least upper bound, plays an important role in similarity checking of polyphonies represented in our method. Next, I would talk on the system operation of Papipuun. In a preprocessing phase of Papipuun, a user analyzes a set piece by the time-span reduction, using a dedicated tool, called TS-Editor. For a real-time phase, the user interacts with the main system, Summarizer, to perform music summarization. Summarizer discovers a piece structure by similarity checking. When the user identifies the fragments to be skipped, Summarizer deletes them and concatenates the rest. Papipuun can produce the music summarization of good quality, reflecting the atmosphere of an entire piece through interaction with the user. I will demonstrate Papipuun during my presentation. Zeit: Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2002, 18:00 Uhr pktl. Ort: Institut für Medizinische Kybernetik und Artificial Intelligence (IMKAI) Freyung 6, Stiege 2, 2. Stock, 1010 Wien OESTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE o.Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr. Robert Trappl