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Computer Models of "The Mind"

VO 501.041 (1 SSt/2 ECTS)
SE 501.045 (2 SSt/3 ECTS)

Paolo Petta
paolo.petta (AT(

Wednesdays 14:15-15:00 & 15:15-17:00

Seminar room, IAI, MUW

Währinger Straße 25a (A-1090), ground floor (on the right)

Preparatory meeting (for both courses: Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 14:15 CET


The lecture (Vorlesung, VO) and seminar (SE) on Computer Models of "The Mind" provide an introduction to the domain of computational cognitive modeling.

Lecture (VO)

Candidate topics to be addressed include: the notions of "mind" in scientific disciplines; the scopes of notions of "mind"; best practice in scientific modeling, cognitive modeling, and computational cognitive modeling; typologies of computational cognitive models; cognitive architectures, cognitive systems, micro-, macro-, and integrated models; main paradigms of cognitive modeling.

Each topic is introduced and motivated in terms of specific questions, challenges, and needs in cognitive science research; presented using specific and seminal examples; and assessed in a critical discussion identifying successes, failures, and open issues, as well as the impact on other areas of cognitive science.

Seminar (SE)

The seminar (SE) offers a highly recommended opportunity to reflect on and "safely exercise" the conceptual information presented in the lecture (VO), and to take a more extended and/or closer look in alignment with personal curricular and/or scientific interests.

Seminar topics are developed collaboratively, so as to best accommodate individual competences and interests. Combination/alilgnment with project work such as the MEi:CogSci "Intro Research" projects -- e.g., with the seminar providing theoretical background, scaffolding, evaluation -- is welcome.

paolo.petta (AT(

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