Authors: | Stefan Rank & Paolo Petta
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence |
Date: | 2006-04-19 |
Presented at ACE2006, Vienna, Austria (EU) [4] • 2006-04-19.
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“Theories of human emotion provide essential insight into the design and control of intelligent entities in general”
Speaker's notes
I will not present a specific agent archictecture today but I rather like to take a step back and ask some questions that pertain to all architectures. start with a quote.
models of emotion that can be used in a computer system. supposed to help for example in allocating and focusing mental resources
Open questions:
Detailed scenarios of use
Speaker's notes
necessary to provide detailed scenarios of use. <s>
make explicit what kind of emotional functionality is wanted in an agent.
What parts are there?
Data structures
Emotion objects, arousal level, appraisal components per event
Appraisal process(es), comparison process for motivational value
Interaction of processes
“The synchronised recruitment of resources”,
“A change in action readiness”
Speaker's notes
interaction of processes as corresponding to specific phenomena
Models can only be understood (and evaluated) with respect to a given level of description and associated criteria
Main advantages of computational models?
Speaker's notes
A model can only capture part of the system it wants to model. The missing pieces are often implicit, and they need to be - to constrain complexity.
Just as the systems they model, the models can only be understood (and evaluated) with respect to a given level of description and a specific set of criteria associated with that level. [CleeremansFrench1996] (chicken squawking example?)
A computational model is forced to provide mechanisms, but it is not automatically an adequate explanatory model.
UNUSED IN TALK (also [CleeremansFrench1996]):
Two types of explanatory models:
Functions of models:
Emotion: What are situations / phenomena that we target?
Basis for asking: What are the functionalities wanted?
Speaker's notes
Scenario-based design and evaluation is a technique of usability engineering. Its purpose is to capture the relevant details of the situations you want to test a system in.
For emotion models this could be the details of the phenomena that the model is supposed to model. You can regard human emotions (or maybe idealised human emotion and intelligenct) as the system that we aspire to understand; but the model is targeted towards a specific subset of this.
Range of emotional phenomena
Modelling fear vs. modelling fear, anger, and guilt
Interaction with humans
None vs. simulated vs. (restricted) dialogue
Interaction between agent and environment
Discrete simulation with infallible action vs. situatedness
Tasks and performance measures
Agents exploring an environment: efficiency vs. realism
Reportable Emotion Experience
A point in the niche space for affective agents
Possible purpose and environment of use
Thank you for your attention!
Or Answers? • How do you justify using emotion terms? • Are scenarios helpful for bridging disciplines?
But there is not enough detail in such a scenario, it is not formal enough, to allow productive comparisons?
Scenarios are not intended to be formal verification tools, but should serve as a coordination tool for research efforts.
As such, they should not be too detailed, but iteratively adapted or spawned.
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[CleeremansFrench1996] | (1, 2) Cleeremans A., French R.M.: From Chicken Squawking To Cognition: Levels of Description and the Computational Approach in Psychology, Psychologica Belgica, 36(1-2):5-29, 1996. |