Comparability and Evaluation

Clarifying Criteria

Authors: Stefan Rank & Paolo Petta
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Date: 2006-11-07

Presented at Humaine WP10WS • 2006-11-07. (Grey boxes like this one are notes or handout content.)

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Hello my name is Stefan Rank. The title of my talk is ... This presentation tries to clarify criteria for designing and evaluating affective systems, first ask: what are these systems, what do they have in common.

What Do We Have In Common?

Models of human emotion provide essential insight for the design and control of machines interacting with humans

Emotion is supposed to help for example in allocating and focusing mental resources when goals compete, or when the environment changes. The social or the physical environment.

Scenarios for Comparabilty

Detailed scenarios of use

Emotion: What are situations / phenomena that we target?

Basis for asking: What are the functionalities wanted?

Necessary to provide detailed scenarios of use. <s> The scenarios of use contain the requirements and motivations for a specific agent or computational model and therefore allow to compare them. The scenarios make explicit what kind of emotional functionality is wanted in an agent.

Scenario-based Comparisons

range of emotional phenomena: critical property of the scenario.

What is a Scenario then?

A point in the niche space for affective agents

Possible purpose and environment of use

an idea of what a scenario consists of. most importantly: what are the emotional episodes that can take place.

Scenario Descriptions

examples for differing scenarios

Scenarios for Comparison

World: (real/virtual/augmented reality, dynamics, regularities, discrete/continuous in time and space, time-stepped or continuous execution); Agents: number and types (including humans), their tasks; Environment seen from the agents viewpoint: sensing/actuating, sensorimotor coupling, tool use, time-stepped/continuous, asynchronous change; Agent-Agent Interaction: separate or world mediated, repertoire, unconditional channels, human as (another) agent

The End

Thank you for your attention!


The following slides contain anticipated questions (AQ).

AQ: not yet

Speaker's notes


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