Gesticons for Expressive Embodied Conversational Characters
Working Meeting jointly organised by the EU projects
NECA, MagiCster and lifeplus,
and the BMBF project Virtual Human
Vienna, 12. Dec. 2003
Location: Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence (OFAI)
Freyung 6/6, 1010 Wien
To appear natural and believable embodied conversational characters must reveal
non-verbal behaviour including gestures, and body poses and movements. Reviewing past and
ongoing projects in the area shows, however, that yet there is neither a commonly shared set
of gestures nor a standardised format for representing their semantics and syntax that could
serve as an interface to character animation software. While some researchers base their
generation approaches on the results of empirical gesture analysis, application developers
seem to simply follow their intuitions when defining gesture repertoires for their characters.
The purpose of this working meeting is to bring together researchers and developers of
embodied conversational characters to exchange ideas and experiences regarding the
conceptualisation and meaning of gestures, scope, and suitable representation formats that
allow for an efficient implementation. The ideal outcome of the working meeting would be a
proposal for a "Gesticon" (or at least its epistemological structure) that could be used across
characters and applications.
The working meeting has two main sessions. The morning session is concerned
with stock-taking of approaches followed by projects represented through participants. The
afternoon session will be reserved for a constructive discussion on what could become a
general "Gesticon". Since we aim at a highly focused event attendance to this working
meeting will be on invitation only (i.e., there is no public cfp).
Brigitte Krenn, OFAI
Catherine Pelachaud, IUT de Montreuil - Universite de Paris 8
Thomas Rist, DFKI
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, MIRALab / C.U.I., University of Geneva
Logistics: The meeting will be hosted by OFAI in Vienna. Attendees must pay for their travel
and accommodation on their own.
Brigitte Krenn
email: brigitte@ofai.at
phone: +43/1/532-46212
Presentations & online materials
Workshop Summary (pdf)
Check list for presentations
List of participants