VU 901.967 and SE 901.968 Models of Personality and Emotions
(WS 2023/24)

VU: 3 ECTS / 2 SWS
SE: 7 ECTS / 3 SWS

Wednesdays 15:00-18:00
(starting 2023-10-04)

Seminar room, AID

Ground floor (to the right), Währinger Straße 25a, A-1090 Vienna

Check with Med.Campus (MUW) for any location updates,
especially for the busy period up to and including October 18, 2023
(see also the item Location of classes, below)

Paolo Petta
mope2023 (AT)

MEi:CogSci, Universität Wien &

Medizinische Universität Wien, Section for Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (AID) of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) &

Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI)

Organisational matters

Location of classes
Because of resource limitations at MUW during the first weeks of the semester, some of the first three course units (i.e., on October 4, 11, and 18) may be hosted by OFAI, at Freyung 6 / Stiege 6 / 7 (third floor, no elevator!): This will be communicated here and on Med.Campus (and in class) before the respective units.
Differing Academic Calendars Univie vs. MUW
This course is offered through the Medical University of Vienna (MUW): please note that the academic calendar of the MUW differs from the one of the University of Vienna: in particular, there will be a class unit on Wed, December 20, 2023!
Registration (Medical University of Vienna, MUW)
E-Mail communication concerning the courses
→ E-Mail from you to me:
Please address all your e-mails regarding these courses (i.e., both, the VO and the UE) to: mope2023 (AT( All such messages should originate from an academic address (i.e.: not any commercial or private provider, such as gmail, hotmail, icloud, etc.)
← E-Mail from me to you:
Important: All e-mails related to these courses will be sent to your e-mail address as stored on Med.Campus (see above), which typically reads:
Such communication may include the access credentials for the weekly online class units and for all course materials offered.
It is your responsibility to read all e-mails delivered to their MUW e-mail address reliably, in a regular and timely fashion (perhaps through setting up automatic forwarding of one's MUW e-mails to any other "primary" address used).
Access to the online course unit sessions and course materials
Course website

Exam (VU)

(Details on the course moodle)

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